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Mediation Services
Supporting You Through Your Divorce
What is Mediation
Mediation provides people who are separated or divorced with an effective method of resolving disagreements in a safe and supportive environment. As your mediator, I facilitate discussions between you and your ex-partner, helping you reach agreements that are practical, workable and child focused. My role is help you talk to each other in a way that is productive and fair.
Benefits of Mediation
The mediation process is cost and time-effective and provides a safe space to discuss important issues (including things such as communication, parenting decisions, boundaries, and resolving disputes)
between you and your ex-partner.
I will make sure that you connect with experienced lawyers who can give each of you independent legal advice if you do not already have retained lawyers.
Mediation Package
Your mediation package includes a complimentary phone call to understand your needs and to
make a plan. It also includes a meeting with each of you separately, so you can confidently express
your needs and concerns, a comprehensive workbook (Our Family In Two Homes) for each of you,
and a first joint session with both of you
where I will begin to assist you in coming to an agreement on all your issues.
The workbook will help you better prepare for your joint mediation sessions. It includes exercises to
help you understand your communication and conflict styles, shared values and parenting decisions.
At the end of the first joint mediation session, you will both be better prepared to work towards
an agreement, so we can make an informed plan for the best way forward.
I will be better able to predict the amount of mediation time you will need.
Most separating couples need between 2 and 4 joint mediation sessions, but the amount of time
will depend on your ability to communicate effectively, gather information and manage conflict.
I will help you focus on the best future for your family.