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Live Your Best Life
Michelle Beaman
Certified Divorce Coach and Mediator
I specialize in helping parents navigate through the tough terrain of separation, divorce and divorce recovery. I help parents gain clarity, find inner strength, and peace of mind knowing that they have done the very best for themselves and their children.

My Story
Certified Divorce Coach and Mediator

Twenty years ago, I went through a divorce. It was very difficult time for me. A divorce and co-parent coach would have been so helpful during that uncertain and unpredictable time!! I remember the feeling of not knowing where to turn. At that time, that there was not any specific help to guide you through the emotional rollercoaster of divorce and advising you how to stay strong and supportive to your children, when you are struggling to cope yourself.
In time, I overcame my fears, healed my heart, and moved on to a much happier chapter in my life. I met my now-husband, Dave. We have different personalities; I am an extrovert, and he is an introvert, but we share the same core values. We both took a chance, and it was SO worth it. He is my best friend and together we have raised six children to adulthood!! Now we cherish our roles as Grammy and Grampy to five beautiful grandchildren!!
I recently retired from teaching and I became a certified divorce and co-parenting coach and a mediator so I could pay it forward. I want to help other parents, with similar stories to mine, through their divorce and to move on to a more peaceful and harmonious life.
I am here to guide you through the entire divorce journey, from pre-divorce to post-divorce. I can be your sounding board as you clarify your priorities about co-parenting, finances, and future needs. As your personal divorce and co-parent coach, I will be the person by your side to help you handle all the details and issues you face during this transition. I will help you become focused, confident, and self-reliant. I will provide you with resources that I wish I’d had during my divorce so you will avoid any potential pitfalls. I am always in your corner and I will support you as you move forward to redesign your life just the way you want it.

"Every sunset is an opportunity to reset."
Richie Norton